Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design

Courses using Just Ask

Just Ask: Integrating Accessibility Throughout Design
helps designers, developers, and managers
create websites, software, hardware, and consumer products that

Just Ask is available as a print book, and the entire contents of the book are also online.

Some of the curricula and university courses that use Just Ask are listed below.

Curriculum guidelines for Masters level programme in Accessible Web Design,
Advanced Internet Services and Applications,
Accessible Web Design.
Design for All@eInclusion Curriculum Guidelines
Curriculum for training Professionals in Universal Design
CEN CWA/UD-Prof Curriculum
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
WaSP INTERact curriculum,
Accessibility, FED-130 | Front-end Development.
Terry Morris and reviewers.

Accessibilitat (Accessibility)
Universitat de Barcelona. Mireia Ribera Turró.
Advanced Technical Writing, WRA 420
Michigan State University. Jim Porter.
Assistive Technology and Inclusive Design, INSC 546
University of Washington. Dr. Julie Kientz.
Authoring Interactive Media, 36-2601
Columbia College Chicago. Janell Baxter.
Content Management Systems, SI 631
University of Michigan. Paul Resnick, Mark Ackerman, Cory Knobel.
Computers and Writing: Accessibility and Usability, RHE 312
University of Texas. Clay Spinuzzi.
Design for inclusion, HCI 511
DePaul University. Cynthia Putnam.
Digital Library Principles and Development, INF 385S
University of Texas. Dr. Gary Geisler.
Design Methods for Interaction and Systems, IMT 540
University of Washington. Dr. Julie Kientz.
Human Centred Computing Systems (HCCS) Advanced Topics: Universal Usability
University of Sussex. Dr. Graham McAllister.
Human Computer Interaction
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Hans Kyhlbäck.
Human-Computer Interaction, CIS 6650
University of Guelph. Blair Nonnecke.
Human-Computer Interaction, SYST469
George Mason University. Jack Laveson.
Imagining Audience in a Wired World, CCT 333
Sheridan Institute of Technology.
Implementing Accessibility in WordPress (Advanced Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media), ATLS 4519
University of Colorado Boulder. Joe Dolson.
Multimedia and Interface Design, JMA 308/545
Duquesne University. Dr. William J. Gibbs.
Multimedia Applications on the Web, CIS 421
California State Polytechnic University. Louise Soe.
Multimedia Process and Production, MMSP 130
City College of San Francisco. Beth Cataldo.
Usability, IAKM 60201
Kent State University. Dr. David Robins.
User-Centric Service Design, CT30A8001
Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto (Lappeenranta University of Technology). Kari Heikkinen.
User Experience Research, I214
University of California, Berkeley. Nancy Van House.
UX & UI Design, COMD3562
New York City College of Technology | City University of New York. Jerron Smith.
Web Application Development A (Design), COM 265
University of Hertfordshire.
Web Accessibility Workshop
Eastern Kentucky University.
Web Design, COMM369/AIT 369
St. John Fisher College. Jeremy Sarachan.
Web Design and Development I
Univeristy of Washington.
Web Design, English 7766
East Carolina University. Michael J. Albers.
Web Standards, WEBT 143
Community College of Baltimore County. Jim Doran.
Web Usability/Accessibility, LIS 7970
St. Catherine University. Joyce Yukawa.

And courses at:

Instructors: If you are using Just Ask as an accessibility textbook or usability textbook and would like to be listed above, e-mail books@uiaccess.com with subject: Course listing or call Shawn at +1-617-395-7664.